The weight of mini bottle can is approximately 1/10 of glass bottle of the same volume. It is very light and hard to break even if you drop it. Therefore it is safe to handle.

ミニボトル缶は遮光性に優れているので、光を嫌う機能性飲料も安心して詰めることができます。※1 また、酸素バリア性もガラスビンと同等のレベルです。
Mini Bottle can is made from aluminum which has a light shielding effect. Therefore, beverages containing light sensitive ingredients can be filled.※1 In addition, it has the same level of gas barrier properties as glass bottle, which prevents oxidation of content.
Generally, the color difference can be noticed if the △E is higher than 2. The above figure illustrates that mini bottle can retain the color very well after 90 days.